Huston White Collar Crime

Huston White Collar Crime Attorney

What is White Collar Crime?

A White Collar Crime is an criminal offense which usually involves crimes such as embezzlement, fraud racketeering, insider trading, forgery or similar type of offenses which are known as white collar crimes. These are named as white collar crime because these crimes are generally committed by businessmen or businesswomen from corporate world with higher level designation i.e: CEO, CFO, CXO who undertake financial responsibility of the firm.

The phrase white collar crime is defined as federal felony. These crimes are considered as non-voilent offense & as they could be explained as money laundering or mortgage fraud etc.

White collar crimes can include numerous types of offenses including bribery, copyright infringement, cybercrimes and internet crimes, money laundering and identity theft. These crimes can be easily committed online, making them one of the most commonly charged crimes in Texas in the 21st century. Some of the most common forms of white collar offenses include:

If you or a loved one has been arrested you need to call a experienced white collar crime attorney at Chenkin Law Firm as soon as possible.

Call us at (713) 224-7472 and schedule a free consultation.

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